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From the Chair (October 2022)


On 21 September, the first meeting following the election of new officers in June got us off to a good start as we work to rebuild and revitalize the Council. An encouraging number of associations were represented. The highlight of the evening was Supervisor Walkinshaw’s Town Hall meeting. He provided an overview of a number of things that are going on in Braddock District, including the planning now underway for dredging Lake Accotink, the Braddock Road Improvement Project, parking issues on New Guinea Road, and complaints about American Disposal’s trash collection. Regarding that issue, the County is working across agencies to resolve the trash pickup problems and recently entered into a Consent Agreement with the company as a way to hold them accountable for proper customer service. In the Q&A session, association representatives were able to address the supervisor directly on other issues in their communities. This underscores one of the advantages of membership in the Braddock District Council, namely, the opportunity to make issues known not only to the supervisor but to other associations. This enables the Council to speak in a unified way to the supervisor on issues that transcend just one community. Further information on the items discussed at the September meeting can be found on our website under the “Useful Links and News” tab on the home page.

One of the issues that members have already flagged to the new Council leadership is the question of liability insurance for their associations. Since HOAs, community and civic associations, condo associations, and incorporated private swimming pools all vary in terms of potential risk exposure, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the liability insurance question. I am pleased to announce that we have arranged with the law firm of Chadwick, Washington, Moriarty, Elmore & Bunn, PC, to give a presentation to the Council at the 15 February, 2023 meeting. Please circle this date on your calendar and plan on attending what should be a most informative and useful meeting.

The Braddock District Council, along with Braddock District Supervisor James Walkinshaw, is soliciting nominations for the Best of Braddock Awards. Please nominate your neighbors and fellow Braddock residents who contribute to making our community a better place to live, work, and play by using this form.

Please submit your completed nominations by close of business Friday, November 4th to or in-person to the Braddock District Office (9002 Burke Lake Road, Burke, 22015).

I am pleased to report that Susan DiMaina of Canterbury Woods has agreed to be the Secretary for this year. She needs to be confirmed by the voting members at the next meeting in December, but is already working with Council Vice-chair (and acting Secretary) Sarah Lennon on the duties of the office.

In closing, if your association has not yet paid its dues for 2022-2023, I encourage you to make this happen. The Council will only be as effective as its members make it. We need to develop a critical mass of at least 20% of the 120 or so associations in the Braddock District. Please go to the “Get Involved” tab on this website for the application form, information about the dues, and where to mail your check. If your association has already joined for this year, thank you.

Bob Cosgriff

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