Senior Outreach Committee Chairperson
The Surgeon General of the United States has called Senior loneliness and isolation an epidemic. It’s a fact that they cause more Senior deaths than cancer. One of every seven residents in Fairfax County is 65 or over. I don’t want any Senior to go more than two days without being contacted by someone. I believe that being informed, engaged and a “part of” is vital to aging with grace and dignity.
Every afternoon I send out one or two emails to my group of Seniors…Fairfax Now, Fairfax County Government, the newsletter from Cinema Arts Theatre or whatever I have that looks interesting that day. Once a month we go to coffee at a local coffee shop.
All I’m asking you to do is find one person, hopefully a Senior, to be your Senior Outreach Committee Chairperson. I’ll send them my daily emails, if they wish, and they can send them out to the Seniors in your Civic Association/HOA. That will get them started. I will be happy to meet with them and share everything I’ve learned. That’s all there is to it. Maybe today you and I can make someone’s life better.
Please contact me.
Marie Norman
Vicechair, Braddock District Council
Senior Outreach Chair, North Springfield Civic Association
What in the World is Senior Outreach??
I just discovered that everyone doesn’t see Senior Outreach as the same thing. I see it as what I want my life to look like as I age.
I want to know how to do things. I need to be on my computer everyday reaching out to folks by email. I need a presence on Facebook or X. I need to be able to get to the Fairfax County website and find the information that I need and to be able to order “stuff” on Amazon.
I need to know what’s going on in my neighborhood and who’s running it. I need to be able to speak about the Braddock Road Multimodal Project or saving Lake Accotink. I want to know about Aging in Place or the Cinema Arts theatre or events at the Fairfax County Library. After that let’s reach out to everyone to see if we can all meet for lunch or a coffee at that new place we just heard about.
That’s what I would like Senior Outreach to be doing for me. Give me that information. Maybe talk me through, line by line, finding the Fairfax County website and which option to choose and when. I send out emails with this kind of information almost every day to folks in North Springfield, Ravensworth Farms and maybe even a little bit in Springfield. All folks have to do is let me know they want to be on my email list (kids call me to put Mom on the list). If you want to start an outreach program in your neighborhood, contact me. We can make someone’s life better. I want my life to continue being ‘better’ as I age.
Marie Norman bdcfxvicechair@gmail.com