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From the Chair (August 2023)


The summertime hiatus gives the Executive Committee time to tackle a number of issues in advance of the Annual Meeting in September. One important matter has been completed, namely, the required annual audit. This is the first audit that has been done since well before the pandemic. Thanks go to Jon Miskell (Bonnie Brae), John Aldonas (Oak Hill), and Doug Dane (Stone Haven) for volunteering to serve on the Audit Committee. Their report confirmed that the books were maintained in proper order by outgoing treasurer, Kevin Morse. They recommended several actions to improve processes relating to financial oversight. Kevin will prepare a proposed budget to present to the membership at the September meeting. On a related note, I am pleased to report that Barbara Smith (Woodbury Woods) has volunteered to serve as treasurer for the 2023-2024 BDC fiscal year. She will begin working with Kevin and the ExComm over the summer to help with the transition. Barbara will be officially nominated to the members at the Annual Meeting.

Two important issues discussed by the ExComm were our communications and outreach plans. We will consolidate all communications responsibilities (with one exception) under webmaster Charlotte Hannagan. This will result in timely and consistent messaging to our members via our website, Facebook, Nextdoor, and bulk email. The one exception will be the Aging in Place program, which Vice-chair Marie Norman is taking over from long-time AIP coordinator, Bruce Wallachy. The Aging in Place Program has its own constituency, communications media, and operational schedule, so it makes sense to let Marie handle this separately.

Our outreach program is aimed not at current members but at those associations who are not members. In 2023, we had 24 paid-up members. We have set a target of 40 members for the upcoming year. That means we have to retain all current members and add at least 16 more new members. One very important reason to add member associations is that it will give us the ability to resurrect the five standing committees called for in the Bylaws. These are: Membership Committee, Communications Committee, Programs Committee, Nominating Committee, and Awards Selection Committee. These committees, comprising two to four members, assist the ExComm in carrying out Council responsibilities.

There are many associations who were previous members but have let their memberships lapse. There is an even larger number of associations that have never been affiliated with the Council. We are seeking geographical balance in membership across the district, as well as achieving a good mix of associations by size. We have developed a “value proposition” to let potential new members exactly what the Council offers to them. We will present our Outreach Plan to the members at the Annual Meeting on 20 September.

Another item is a review and updating of the current Bylaws which were approved in June, 2006 with two amendments in 2013. This is an opportune time to make any changes. We are contemplating creating a special committee to do this task and report to the membership next year.

In closing, please send your dues checks to the supervisor’s office (c/o Sally Kidalov) and plan to be at the 20 September meeting. It is important that we have a quorum to do business, which will include confirming Barbara Smith as our new treasurer. Have a great rest of the summer!

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